If you enjoy vintage vehicles and would like to work with other people who share your love for cars, become an America’s Car Museum volunteer!
As a non-profit organization, ACM relies on the hard work and dedication of volunteers. Our volunteers preserve our unique collection of automobiles, share information about the Museum to the public, and contribute to our mission.
Active volunteers are asked to record a minimum of 4-6 hours/month throughout the year and new volunteers need to also attend a Volunteer Orientation. New orientations are generally held on a monthly basis, plus additional training is required for specific volunteer assignments.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator – volunteer@americascarmuseum.org | 253.779.8490
Docents conduct guided tours of the Museum for audiences of diverse backgrounds which may include school-age children, young adults, educators, seniors, visitors with special needs, and those for whom English is not a first language. Docents will provide a brief history of ACM, explanation of our programs, tour of the current exhibitions, and state future plans and goals of the Museum.
Museum Ambassadors present and distribute information about the Museum’s collection at onsite and offsite events. In addition, they provide information about our Education Program, the museum, its history, and the collection; as well as encourage Museum awareness, membership, and volunteer opportunities. This position may be responsible for the booth set-up, positioning of vehicles, signs, tables, and displays for offsite events.
Museum Educators lead K-12 audiences in the discovery of automobile-themed curriculum topics in the subjects of American history, math, science, literacy, and the arts through a guided museum experience.
Collections Management is in charge of seeing that our valuable collection of vehicles and artifacts are displayed for maximum enjoyment by our visitors. They are charged to see that the collection is kept safe and the condition preserved. Collection Monitors protect and oversee the collection on view to insure they are not handled in any way. In addition, they provide information about the Museum, its history, and the collection to enhance the experience for our visitors.
Photo Car attendants assist guests with having their photos taken in a 1923 Buick. The attendant instructs on proper car entry for guest safety and car preservation and advises guests (positioning, fun facial expressions, etc.) for a memorable picture. The attendant also starts and shuts down a camera-computer and changes photo paper and ink.
Greeters welcome ACM guests, distribute maps, and encourage subscriptions to our monthly e-newsletter, En Route, by collecting patron emails. Greeters will also answer general questions and provide information to guests entering the Museum.
Events Specialists assist with the numerous events that are booked at the Museum. Volunteers may be needed to greet visitors in the Lobby and help direct them where to go, work as a Collection Monitor in the galleries or dress up in costume to fit the theme of a party for added ambiance. Events can occur at just about any time – daytime, evenings, and weekends. Weekend and evening volunteers are of particular need.
Desired attributes include: positive attitude, professional appearance and conduct, and a desire to promote the mission of the America’s Car Museum.
LeMay - America's Car Museum
2702 E. D St. Tacoma, WA 98421
PHONE – (253) 779-8490
TOLL FREE – (877) 902-8490
FAX – (253) 779-8499
All Rights Reserved | LeMay - America's Car Museum | America's Automotive Trust